Domina Aura
10 hours ago
While it is true that one of the joys of submission is watching your Dom/me impressed and sated, no task should come at the expense of a sub’s mental or physical health. If your well-being is at stake, as a sub you have the responsibility towards yourself to say the safe word. For long term tasks, it’s also the D’s responsibility to be attentive enough to know when their sub has reached their limit.
Domina Aura
10 hours ago
Okay so I’m on three apps: X, Bluesky and Btch all on dark mode and my neurodivergent ass needs a minute to differentiate between them 😭😭😭
Domina Aura
13 hours ago
This space sure feels cosy compared to X! The subs better come crawling here stat.
Domina Aura
14 hours ago

I wasn’t able to upload images since I joined but thank @fuck that’s fixed now!
Domina Aura
15 hours ago
Would love to follow back dommes but not if I only see a Throne link and nothing else.
Domina Aura
17 hours ago
“What’s new with you today?” ❌
“What’s btching today?” ✅

For your consideration @fuck 🤭
Domina Aura
22 hours ago
Contrary to popular belief, real submissives are not driven by horniness but a genuine desire to please.
Domina Aura
1 day ago
As a domme, my desire is to have dominion over a sub’s mind not his body. And he must yearn to give me that power. I have no interest in taking anything by force.