Goddess Athena
9 hours ago
Another one for the collection 😻
7 hours ago
Well, I have now officially made one more move towards getting off of X. If you see this, and you are a domme, then say hi and we can follow each other. If you are a sub, and you see this, you should congratulate me on my new social page with sends. Excited to make a new community with you all.
Btch Administration
1 day ago
Gone are the days of needing to spam random words at the end of your tweet in order to boost #engagement .

Go ahead and use our #hashtags - our algorithm thrives off them!
Goddess Athena
1 day ago
I wanna be the first RT game on here 🤭
Goddess Athena
1 day ago
Nail appointment booked for tomorrow, been paid for by my hand simp, reimbursement opportunity for others. Profiting from spending! 😻
1 day ago
Fuck X :)