Domina Aura
12 hours ago
This space sure feels cosy compared to X! The subs better come crawling here stat.
12 hours ago
Good morning findom! ❤️❤️❤️
Btch Administration
2 days ago
You might see some features get enabled and disabled over the coming days and weeks.

We’re testing how features interact with each other.

For all those that enabled the paywall on their profiles, I regret to say that this has been disabled for now and will not be re-enabled until the payment features on the site are released.

Apologies for any inconvenience caused.
Btch Administration
1 day ago
Gone are the days of needing to spam random words at the end of your tweet in order to boost #engagement .

Go ahead and use our #hashtags - our algorithm thrives off them!
Btch Administration
2 days ago
Discord integration is coming in HOT.
1 day ago
Welcome to my new profile bitches! We finally have someone rooting for us SWs! ❤️❤️❤️
1 day ago
Fuck X :)